The internet lies at the heart of our modern economies and societies, but it was not designed to be used in the way we use it now. Additional innovations are needed, in particular to make usage of remote resources on the internet more trustworthy and secure. The goal of NGI Assure is to support projects that design and engineer reusable building blocks for the Next Generation Internet as part of a complete, strong chain of assurances for all stakeholders regarding the source and integrity of identities, identifiers, data, cyberphysical systems, service components and processes. Furthermore contributions can be made to address underlying real-world challenges in deploying and validating such building blocks, such as energy efficiency and sustainability, scalability and throughput, security, privacy/confidentiality, plausible deniability, robustness and crypto-agility, side-channel resistance, interoperability, governance and compliance to regulatory frameworks - where needed to turn the above into reproducible and trustworthy end-to-end solutions that can withstand the hostile battle grounds of the modern internet.



The project funded very open topics but around the following areas detailed at the NGI ASSURE Work Programme:

  • Libre SoftwareLibre Software
  • Open HardwareOpen Hardware
  • CryptographyCryptography
  • StandardisationStandardisation
  • Logic ProofsLogic Proofs

Building blocks for a better future


NGI Assure was looking for building blocks that contributed to providing such assurances, including (but not limited to) quantum-proof cryptography, public key infrastructure, (augmented) authenticated key exchange, ratchet mechanisms (such as the Noise protocol) that securely chained key material, distributed hash tables and DAGs to make P2P interaction more secure, conflict-free replicated data types, mixnets and onion routing mechanisms, consensus protocols, distributed ledgers and (post) blockchain technologies that created redundant data sets managed independently by mutually distrustful parties, a priori usage control, symbolic and formal proofs, and tamperproof open hardware implementations of core cryptographic primitives. The work needed to become available under free and open source licenses.



We were looking for deep tech components; the outcomes of NGI Assure aimed to contribute towards identifying and solving current issues, but did not need to provide a complete solution by themselves. NGI Assure enabled collaboration among humans without unjustified trust. We needed contributions to help reshape the state of play and to help create an open, trustworthy, and reliable internet for all. And of course, such contributions did not happen automatically. That is why, between then and 2023, we awarded 5.6 million euros in small to medium-size R&D grants towards R&D efforts and free and open source projects that could deliver the above. We were looking for new ideas and core technologies that would help society tackle hard but very, very important questions, each of which had significant social and economic consequences.



This page contains a concise overview of projects funded by NGI Assure. There is more information available on each of the projects listed on this page – all you need to do is click on the title on each project to read more. You'll find also two brilliant interviews for two successfull beneficiaries!

Success stories


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